I received this email about 3 hours after my "do you REALLY support small business?" video 😆 it's about 2 videos back in my feed so go have a watch. I love serving you all and nearly all of you are just peachy so I don't let a sour apple spoil it for y'all! I'll still make my supplies to order because I believe in the preservation of
#americanfolklore #americanfolkmagick and I believe my skill set and artwork is valuable. I do this to preserve tradition. Not to be popular, pump out product or please everyone. There is never a reason to speak disrespectfully. if you want fast-food spiritual supplies, be my guest, but please don't expect small businesses to adhere to corporate processes when those corporations employ thousands or tens of thousands of people. don't say you support
#SmallBusiness or
#womenownedbusiness when you can't respect our art, processes, and craftsmanship. If you want to buy garbage, far be it from me to stand in your way but let me ask you this; when you call a huge corporation, do you speak to them with disrespect and impatience? because you're most likely NOT EVEN SPEAKING TO A PERSON but an automated response from a computer! if you wouldn't speak to a machine with disrespect, why would you speak to your spiritual supplier that way? you get more flies with honey than you do vinegar, baby. and this type of behavior is unbecoming. shop.conjuredcardea.com
#hoodoowitchtok #witchyvibes #witchythings #witchystore #PagansOfInstagram #paganlife #pagan #realwitches #ConjuredCardea #conjurewoman #conjurework #realwitchshit #professionalwitch #rootworker #spellsupplies #spellcastingwitch #metaphysicalshop #witchshop #paganshop #botanica #hoodoo