An American Prayer is a psychadellic-rock, spoken-word performance given to us by Jim Morrison and his band, The Doors. Released post-humously (after Morrison's death) in 1978, An Ameircan Prayer is one of Jim Morrisons most well-known epics, addressing quintessential sociopolitical issues of the 60s; sex, religion, and race. The album opens with Morrison screaming to his audience, "WAKE UP!", closely followed by an energetic mess of instrumentation from the musicians behind him. Morrison continues, barely audible through the clamor. The words "you cant remember where it was / as this dream stops." slip out and onto the audience with weighty, disheartened, disbelief. Sudden silence follows Morrison's last word, ripping away the expected continuation of the song like the rug from under the feet of millions of Americans "waking up" to the illusion of the American Dream. Take a listen, as Morrisons voice guides you through a collection of autobiographical stories, political commentary, and bursts of musical fun.
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