Water PARTYYYYY! If I don't laugh at the rediculouslessness of the toxicity situation I start to go a little crazy. I'm guessing most people either shutdown (bury head in sand) like I did for a year because because of the scale of the problem or assume their Brita or fridge filter is good enough. Do you want to guess or do you want to know through looking? This is what I do. If you would like to get all of these synthetic hormine disruptors away from you and your family and cross it off the list so your anxious mind can worry about something else (totally projecting myself here 🤣) Message me "SAFE" and we can go through to 1. See if you even have to worry about toxicity 2. Find solutions for whatever scale you/your family need (yea, there are other options besides RO, which kicks most of these back into aquifers for a nice neverending carnival ride of horror) Source clip: @Hormone Specialist
#cleanwater #tapwater #healthywater #microplastics #pfas #atrazine #glyphosate #pesticidefree #organic #wholehousewaterfilter #reverseosmosis #wholehousefilter