*QUICK SIMPLE EASY* Vision Board -- My way -- being disabled, the way I have done vision boards has changed dramatically over the years I almost gave up on doing them until last year I came across something very simple. I took a piece of paper and six different colors of pens and I did six boxes each with it's own focus 1-Personal, 2-Something new, 3-Framily, 4-Home, 5-Creativities, 6-Free Space (to add later). I did mine on a steno paper & glued it to construction paper of choice. Then I have a cork board & put in the middle & put other things on & around the corkboard, like stickers/pics/fave things/things that make me happy. It's close to my meditation area so my visual goes more than the paper but is part of daily motivation. Then I do a mid-year check-in usually in May during mental Health awareness month and see which ones I have accomplished and maybe some in the blank space to add, the purpose is to check in and be present with myself and adjust accordingly. It's not extravagant like some you see, however, it's something that I am able to do and it works for me. My hope is that it may be able to help others, whether you manage a physical disability or just simply need something to be accountable to that's simple and easy. Leaving 2024 & into 2025--- Have a happy and prosperous new year ✨✊🏼🤟🏼🍍✌🏼💪🏼
#2025 #quickeasysimplevisionboard #quickandeasyvisionboard #visionboard #simplevisionboard #intentions #manifestation #aspirations #motivation #accountability #listentounderstandandnotdismiss #listentorespondnottoreact #youarenotalone #inittogether #pineapplepeace🍍✌️
#crystalchats #pineapplepeacemovement #fluidlove #authenticlesbian #mentalhealthadvocate