It's not cool to dislike someone because of race. So be cool and make friends of all countries and cultures. Someone was wondering why I talk so much about Mexico and Mexican people if I don't live there and don't have any specific plans to move there, and that's a good question. It has nothing to do with what's going on in places like
#bakersfield and
#iceraids . It has to do with the fact that I have family that is Mexican and countless mexican friends and I don't like to see people talk down on another group of people with false ideas of Mexican and it's people. There are really some strange ideas of Mexico floating around. When you really immerse yourself in the culture and spend significant time around MANY states of Mexico, going to big cities, mid-size cities and small pueblitos, your eyes will be opened. And just to clarify for anyone new, when I go to Mexico, my wife and I stay far away from the places filled with tourists so see what the real Mexico is like. The real Mexico will pleasantly surprise you!