🎲🎮 The 8 Types of Baldur’s Gate Players🎮 🎲 Which one are you? Did I read you to filth? What do you want to be roasted about next?👀👇 1. The Wild Card 🎲: Sets fire to a room just to see what happens. Alignment? Mayhem. Winning isn’t the goal—chaos is. 2. The Lore Hoarder 📜: Reads every in-game book, treats dialogue options like sacred texts, and mutters, “This must mean something,” while the party fights goblins. 3. The Min-Maxing Strategist 🧮: Dreams in spreadsheets. Would sell their own grandmother for a +2 Strength bonus. 4. The Unhinged Romantic 💘: Tried to seduce the squirrel, restarted because Shadowheart rolled her eyes, and feels personally attacked when NPCs reject them. 5. The Overthinker 🤔: Spends 30 minutes debating lock-picking vs. knocking, has crafted 143 potions, and refuses to use a single one. 6. The Accidentally Evil One 😈: Meant well but ended up Public Enemy No. 1. Pretends the party doesn’t know them when NPCs get suspicious. 7. The Reluctant Leader 🛡️: Didn’t want to be in charge but now organizes inventory, googles “how to keep everyone alive,” and secretly judges the entire group. 8. The Creative Saboteur 🎭: Turns campaigns into improv class. Convinced a goblin king to “pursue a new career” and crashed a wedding with an owlbear. And if you’re thinking, “But Auntie Tawny, what if I’m all of them?” Well, babe, that just means you’re a chaos-loving, goblin-befriending flirt who overthinks everything and sets taverns on fire for fun. Now stop staring at the character customization screen and eat your reheated food before it gets cold again.
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