What a year 2024 was at BSF! Incredible progress made by all of our guys! Here are some top transformations in 2024👇🏼 1.) Brady Backes (Parkland College Commit🐍) ▫️FB Velo: 76-78 to 89-90 T-91.6 mph 🔥 2.) Gino Zagorac (Wichita State Commit⚫️🟡) ▫️FB Velo: 79-82 to 89-91 T-92.1 mph🔥 3.) Jake Rifenburg (Northwestern Commit🟣⚪️) ▫️FB Velo: 79-83 to 89-91 T-92mph🔥 4.) Conor Essenburg (Kentucky Commit🔵⚪️) ▫️FB Velo: 87-90 to 91-94 T-96 mph🔥 5.) Lincoln Causero (Xavier Commit⚔️⚾️) ▫️FB Velo: 86-89 to 90-93 T-94 mph🔥 6.) Keegan Luxem (UIC Commit🔥⚾️) ▫️FB Velo: 83-86 to 89-90 T-91 mph 7.) Rocco Szambelan (uncommitted as of now) ▫️FB Velo: 79-82 to 87-89 T90.3 mph🔥 8.) Jason Sullivan (College of Dupage🟢⚪️) ▫️FB Velo: 89-92 to 93-94 T95 mph🔥 9.) Tyler Gluting (Uncommited as of now) ▫️FB Velo: 73-75 mph to 89-91 T-92 mph🔥 Incredible progress above and will continue to make progressions with not only their strength gains, velo gains, etc but pitch design too! Being impact players with their teams!!🙌🏼 -Looking to improve your strength, mobility, force production, velocity, and pitch metrics? Join BSF Pitching Performance for a complete plan to master both the physical part and the art of pitching in all 3 Locations 📍Bo Jackson’s Elite Sports Domes @bsflockport | @bsfbensenville | @bsfcolumbus ▫️ Over 1,000+ highschool, college, professional athletes trained at all locations ▫️ 6+ Draft picks/signs & 100+ commits⚾️ TRUST. THE. PROCESS🙌🏼
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