Under-eye bags are a complex issue. The eye area is structurally a hollow space that contains a fat pocket and is surrounded by facial muscles. Due to excessive lymph stagnation - often stemming from tight neck muscles and underperforming lymph nodes at the back and sides of the neck - fluid is forced to flow into the face. This particularly affects the under-eye region because the fat pocket there tends to attract water, and the complex system of ligaments and muscles in that area makes fluid accumulation more likely. However, we shouldn’t blame only genetics. We can focus on factors within our control, such as improving neck posture (since poor posture compromises lymphatic flow), relaxing facial muscles, maintaining a healthy diet, and making sure we address any underlying health concerns. Under-eye bags can be a marker for various health issues, but they can often be improved. To see transformations of women who have improved their under-eye bags, check my Highlights. How did these 250+ women that you see in the Highlights transform their face? They all went through my 30-Day Face Transformation Program. Usually it’s closed but in 2 days enrollment will open. So make sure to save your spot now by getting on the Waitlist 👀