Canning beef bone broth is a simple process! Let me show you how! 1. Place your beef bones onto a sheet pan along with any vegetables you have (celery, garlic, onion, carrot, etc.) 2. Bake at 450 for 1 hr, flipping halfway through 3. Scrape everything off the pan into your slow cooker, and top with any seasonings you’d like. Bay leaves, herbs, peppercorns, etc. are all great choices. Add 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar to bring out the nutrients. 4. Simmer on low for 24 hours, or until you have a deep golden broth. You can also do the instant pot for 2 hours on high pressure. 5. Strain your broth into bowls using a mesh strainer and cheese cloth (or just mesh is fine if you don’t care about a really clear broth). 6. Let cool on the counter or place in the fridge to let the fat solidify on top. Scrape the fat off and use that tallow for cooking later! 7. Ladle your broth into jars, wipe the rims really well and place your lids and rings on fingertip tight. 8. Pressure can for 20 mins (pints), 25 mins (quarts) 9. Place on your counter to seal. If any seals are compromised, place in the fridge or freeze for later use. 9. Store in a cool, dry place and use as needed!
#beefbroth #canning #canningtutorial #homemadebroth #homesteading #homesteader