People are surprised I’m an herbalist, studying naturopath practioner and regularly consume meat, butter and eggs with veggies and fruit basically sprinkled in between. And then when I tell them I practice rolling fasts (which is a form of detox) their heads really spin. Haven’t we learned wellness isn’t a one size fits all model. As a blood type O, red meat will always be the cornerstone of my diet and how my body functions exceptionally. My body doesn’t require copious amounts of veggies and fruits. In fact when I used to eat those my stomach would balloon like nobody’s business and it wasn’t because of leaky gut. It was simply because I wasn’t supposed to eat it. I think it goes without saying I don’t eat any whole grains. Nope not a single one and I’m alive and thriving. Find more information about
#bloodtypeeating by reading the book “Eat Right for your blood type” I think you’d be surprised and delighted and get many questions answered
#bloodtypeeating #carnivore #keto #lowcarb #nofiber #butter #weightloss #brainhealth