Comment CHIA For a link. They called this the miracle seed for a reason. All I know is I do not go a day without this For me personally, the main things are the brain fog, bowel issues resolved, improved energy levels, improved labs!!! I started consuming this 10 months ago, along with some of the other supplements by LivePURE. Mila® chia is a super food that is gluten-free, trans-fat free, sugar-free and a superior plant-based source of protein and tiber. Mila uses ditterent varieties of the chia seed to provide a wide arrav of nutrients. Some crops mav be richer in fiber. others in protein or magnesium. for example. By combining these crops, you get a nutritionally robust product. . Mila contains the omega-3 fat ALA. or “alpha-linolenic acid “ ALA has been shown to support heart health: in fact. studies have illustrated improved cardiovascular health among those with a high intake of ALA- containing foods. like MIla. As an essential fatty acid. ALA must be consumed in your diet as vour body cannot produce it on its own. Omega-3s are essential for human health, may benefit heart health, and play a crucial role in normal growth and development and brain function. One serving of Mila provides 3 grams of ALA omega-3 fatty acid and is a good source of magnesium and phosphorous to support overall health and well-being. Mila also helps meet the fiber needs of your family. The fiber found in Mila is predominantly insoluble fiber, a form of tiber that aids in the relier of occasiona constipation. Mila • Is a whole, raw super food and a natural source of omega-3s, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Is a blend of different crops of chia seed to help maximize nutrient density. Contains 3 grams of protein. Contains other important nutrients such as calcium. • Is a good source of magnesium and phosphorous - both important nutrients for bone health. • Contains 3 grams of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in normal growth and development and brain function.
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