When I was a skripper in the 1990s, my favorite song to dance to was Van Halen’s Hot For Teacher. Even with my favorite song to dance to on stage, there were nights I just didn’t want to work—but I had no choice. Bills had to be paid, and the rent was always due. On nights like those, I relied on one simple tactic to get myself moving: I took a chore break. What’s a chore break, you ask? Let me explain. I perfected this practice back in college, during those endless nights of homework and studying for classes I couldn’t care less about—looking at you, algebra and biology. Dropping those classes wasn’t an option, so I had to figure out how to push myself through the grind. That’s when I discovered the magic of a 10-minute chore break. Here’s how it worked: I turned off all distractions—TV, phone, you name it—closed the blinds, shut my door, and set my trusty egg timer for 10 minutes of laser-focused work. Knowing I only had to put in 10 minutes of chores took all the pressure off. It created just enough space to get in the zone. And here’s the thing: when the timer rang, I gave myself permission to stop. But 90% of the time, those 10 minutes of chores gave me the spark I needed to keep going. Before I knew it, I’d finish my work in one sitting—and feel so proud for knocking it out. Fast forward to my nights at the club, and this same strategy worked wonders. Of course, I didn’t have an egg timer stuffed into my bikini—let’s be real, that would’ve been a look—but I still improvised. I’d tell myself: Go around the club once. Ask every customer for a dance. Just one lap around the floor, then you can go back to the dressing room and be a lump. But here’s the thing: I almost never made it back to the dressing room. Once I hit the floor, something clicked. Either a customer would buy a dance, or the act of taking action sparked my creativity. I’d dig into my bag of hustling tricks, and the momentum would carry me through the rest of the night. Every single time, all it took was that 10-minute chore break to get the juices flowing.From there, there was no stopping me.
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