Look how big and beautiful my Calathea Lancifolia (Rattlesnake Calathea), now Goeppertia Insignis (Rattlesnake Plant) has become! 🌿 When I first brought him home, he was the same size as the tiny one I’m holding here. Over the years, he’s grown into this stunning, full plant, with those signature wavy leaves and vibrant patterns that make it so special. But this journey wasn’t without its challenges. A while back, I transitioned him into a self-watering container, and he went through a bit of shock. Some of his older leaves still bear the marks of that time, but now he’s thriving again, a testament to just how tough and forgiving plants can be. What’s the longest you’ve had a plant, and how has it transformed under your care? I’d love to hear your stories! 🌱✨
#RattlesnakePlant #HouseplantJourney #Calathea #PlantGrowth #IndoorJungle #goeppertiainsignis #calathealancifolia #rattlesnakecalathea