Twenty days of radiation. Twenty times I have walked into that room, laid down, and let the machine do its job. It is routine now, just part of the day. What I do know is that the hardest part of all this is not the treatment itself. I have incredible people who help with my business and generous support from those who have donated toward my care, and I am beyond grateful for that. But at the end of the day, the weight of it all still lands on me. The decisions, the stress, the responsibility of keeping everything moving forward while going through treatment—it can be overwhelming. No matter how much help I have, I am the one who has to carry it and push through. Cancer is isolating in ways that are hard to explain. People check in, they send love, they want to help, but no one else is actually in my body, feeling what I feel, living this reality every single day. It is a strange kind of loneliness, even when I am surrounded by support. Life moves forward for everyone else, but for me, everything has revolved around treatment, healing, and just trying to get through it. There is no clocking out, no real escape from it, no way to pause and catch my breath. It is just me and this fight, day in and day out.