I know what you’re thinking… Really? Canning water? What’s the point? Well, a few reasons. 1. It’s great to have on the shelf for any emergencies or power outages. 2. Any supply chain issues🙃 3. A full jar takes up just as much space as an empty jar so fill them up! We were lucky enough to inherit so many jars that are just sitting and waiting to be filled. So, whenever I don’t have a full canner, I like to fill it with jars of water to add to our shelves for any power outages/emergencies. Here’s how👇🏼 Start by boiling clean potable water to a boil for 5 minutes. Fill your jars leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Place on your lids and bands finger tips tight. Load into the canner and process with your other jars as long as it is at least 10 minutes of processing time. (Or do a full canner of water for 10 minutes) Remove and let cool on the counter. Store sealed jars in your pantry for a peace of mind. *This can be done in a water bath canner or pressure canner. I hope you enjoyed this CANuary season as much as I did! I’ll keep sharing canning recipes (just not every day😅)
#homesteadkitchen #selfsufficiency #canningandpreserving #homesteadliving #canningforbeginners #prepping #emergencypreparedness