This outfit is from one of my top 3
#sexandthecity episodes of all time: ‘Shouda, Woulda, Coulda” starring the one and only @lucyliu I can’t say I ever really noticed the guest stars outfits that much UNTIL this moment - for me this outfit is up there with some of my Carrie favorites! But then I have always been obsessed with that
#johngallianodior #jadoredior tee. It’s also not what you imagine someone wearing to carry a classic
#birkinbag and that’s why I love it so much - it’s unexpected and made me and so many of you covet that
#redbirkin I love everything about this episode: I’ve already recreated 3 of Carrie’s looks from this one and this one might just be my favorite 😍 . . . .
#lucyliusatc #satcfans #samanthajones #thatsmybirkin #carriebradshawstyle #satcfashion #vintagediortee