Hope everyone is staying warm out there as “Shakes” our CH kitten (otherwise known as Wobbly kitten syndrome) surely is! He just loves snuggling with my daughter every single night. Shakes has definitely become part of our family, temporarily, and we are loving every second of it! Shakes NEVER stops purring & loves other animals! My daughter Winter has made me promise to NOT rehome him till after this Christmas break (which is almost ending), so he is here to stay till then. Soon we will be looking for a very special home for this very special kitten where he has a safe indoor only home with a younger cat to attack 😉 & a family to love on him. With LOTS AND LOTS of wet food! If you are just now meeting our Shakes, I figured we would tell you more about him. He has cerebellar hypoplasia, otherwise known as wobbly kitten syndrome. This is a condition in which the cerebellum, the part of the brain that is responsible for coordination and balance, does not develop properly. It results in cats that have exaggerated movements of their legs and head, as those movements are normally controlled by the cerebellum. There are different severities of this condition, and Shakes is definitely blessed to have the lesser version! Port Orange, Fl .
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#helpneeded #shakes #furrynationsalvation #kittens #nameus #catsoftheworld #rescuer #helpingcats #adoptme #kidsandpets #preciousvideo #adoptme #fosteringsaveslives #wobblykittensyndrome #kittenlife