Life has a funny way of waking you up. As happy as I am that 2024 is behind me, I am grateful for all the challenges, the opportunities to learn more about myself and those around me, the lessons learned, the old friends and the new ones. I found family. I didn’t know I had and I grew more in six months than I had in 49 years. So, 50 you’ve arrived in 2025 and although I’m not a numerologist, there’s definitely something to be said about this equation. I am grateful to be reconnected to my purpose and my mission..
#THISIS50 I am finally ready to invite you all along. What you see is what you get in all my glory. I may not always be perfectly arranged,. I don’t claim to be an expert at everything and the lessons I received this past year are lessons learned for a lifetime. So if you’ve ever fallen on your face and felt like the world trampled over you while you were down. Then let me help you dust your shoulders off and clean the dirt off your face. It’s time to live a life filled with
#J#JOYand while we’re at it F**K PERFECTION. THE MAGIC IS IN THE GRIT.! . . .