On this Christmas Eve I went out to see my horse Roucio. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m doing with horses at liberty but I do love to play with him and I’ve been a horsewoman most of my 62 years. So I took Rou into the round pen, took his halter and lead line off and I set the camera to video us. I had carrots because, you know, I’m not crazy. There was a pedestal in the middle of the round pen. So we started with some basic connection things just to make sure that he was paying attention to me and that we were still friends. Then I stood on the pedestal and he came up to it. So I thought I’m going to teach my puppy how to get on this pedestal. And I pointed to his leg and I asked him to lift his leg with a Spanish walk to see if I could get a hoof on the pedestal. Of course I’m such a fantastic liberty trainer that the next time I stepped up on the pedestal, he also stepped up on the pedestal. I praised him like crazy. And then he got on the pedestal about 45 more times 😂😂 and I realized I had not trained him how to get on the pedestal. Instead, I believe Roucio trained me how to get him on the pedestal. 😂🤣 So I’m officially trick trained and my cream puff and I had fun. It’s honestly exhilarating to connect with horses this way even when you have no idea what you’re doing. Merry Christmas Eve everyone.
#tricktraining #trickhorse #circushorse #lusitanohorse #horseplay #merrychristmaseve #holidayspirit #fyp #ocalaflorida #horsemanship