End of an era. Some characters didn’t have enough moments in the final couple episodes to get a finale video, but Luke made a big jump over Alex and Early Manny with his late season performances. Manny was hilarious as a snobby, dry witted child, but his romantic tendencies became extremely lecherous once he grew up around s5. Then it became a huge crutch, where every scene Manny had was saturated with inappropriate, desperate, unfunny horniness. Luke was a pretty meh character the entire series until the final season where I felt he finally perfected his style of humor, launching him a couple rankings up. Lily, just for me, is a boring and uninspired character. They brought her in to be the sassy kid, but that’s all she had. Once the actress grew out of the cute child phase, it became clear she didn’t have the comedy chops to even come close to any other character in terms of delivery. I’m sorry, she’s just didn’t cut it for me. I understand why she’s iconic to a lot of people though, which is cool. Final Character Rankings - 1. Claire 2. Mitchell 3. Cam 4. Jay 5. Haley 6. Phil 7. Gloria 8. Luke 9. Manny (pre-s5) 10. Alex 11. Joe 12. Lily
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