Couldn’t sit from tailbone pain from a waterslide accident Comment “BOOK” to receive a direct link to get scheduled ⭐️ Ever since a waterslide accident, he has struggled to sit comfortably without experiencing discomfort or pain. Every 15 minutes, he has to lean to one side to alleviate the discomfort, making his job as a driver extremely challenging and excruciating. Today, he came in for his first chiropractic session, which included a tailbone adjustment. After just one visit, he experienced significant relief and was finally able to sit without pain for the first time since the accident. While some relief can often be achieved in a single visit, healing takes time. The duration of recovery depends on the severity and root cause of the issue, but with consistent care, progress is possible. Dm @gofullfunction for info and scheduling
#chiropractor #tailbonepain #coccyxpain #tailbone