The best way to support an avoidant 👇 Always reassure them of their freedom of space and choice 🔑 In fact, these are best relationship practices no matter who you’re with, but they’re particularly important to avoidants. But I’m not saying to perpetually abandon yourself to make it work with someone who is not willing to meet you halfway 👈 As the avoidant, your job is to lean into the discomfort of connection instead of silencing yourself or retreating 🫥 When you feel triggered by emotionality, someone depending on you, or them asking what you need or how you’d like to be supported… Your next action is to speak up for what you’re noticing internally 🤔 Whether that’s physiological sensations, defensiveness, withdrawal, it doesn’t matter. Just name it. This is where your breath comes in handy. Ultimately, you want to get a handle on these patterns before they take you over. Before you’re years into a relationship and crippled with bubbling resentment and mounting uncertainty… Before you start dating again after you leave a relationship… In order to create and commit to the healthy, secure relationship I know you want deep down You have to love and trust yourself. You have learn to forgive yourself for the pain you’ve caused 💔 It’s not your fault that you’re avoidant, but it is your responsibility to heal so that you can be a better partner for yourself and future relationships 💗 If you’re ready to take a step in that direction Get my FREE Beyond Attachment Guide to help you better understand yourself and your partner’s attachment style and get some immediate actions you can take to be a more secure partner Link is in my bio 🫶 . . . . .
#avoidantattachment #codependency #secureattachment #relationships #healthyrelationships