#fhsa #savings #realtor #coldwellbankerrealty #taxfree 1. Tax Advantages: Contributions may be tax-deductible, reducing your taxable income. Additionally, earnings in the account can grow tax-free. 2. Tax-Free Withdrawals: Withdrawals for qualified home purchases can be made without incurring taxes, making it an efficient way to save. 3. Encourages Saving for Homeownership: An FHSA specifically targets first-time home buyers, promoting the habit of saving for a significant financial goal. 4. Flexibility in Contributions: Depending on the specific rules, you may have the flexibility to contribute a certain amount each year, up to a maximum limit. 5. Potential for Investment Growth: Funds in an FHSA may be invested in various financial instruments, allowing for potential growth over time. 6. First-Time Home Buyer Benefits: Many FHSA programs are tailored to assist individuals or families looking to purchase their first home, providing specific benefits and incentives. 7. Access to Funds: If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may have easier access to funds for a home purchase compared to other savings accounts.