Untitled (Until given name) from the “Let sleeping dogs lie” series (2018) By Ryan Brown Working in whatever medium best suits his message, conceptual artist Ryan Brown has produced performances, paintings, sculptures, photographic series, and installations that both honor and interrogate modern and contemporary art and artists, as well as the historical narratives, manifestos, and market systems upon which they rely. He uses satire and mimicry to send up what he perceives as the preciousness, arrogance, and politics underlying the presentation and consideration of art. In a series of slumped, intentionally ragged-looking mixed media paintings, for example, he displays marred versions of what appear to be a play on Suprematist compositions, whose materials and mode of production he deliberately mislabels. Brown has also photographed and filmed himself performing as such famous artists as Jackson Pollock, calling attention to the frequent blurring of truth and myth in the record of an artist’s life and work.
#contemporaryart #artist #dogsoftiktok #dog #dogs