We have one opportunity, every single day, to put ourselves first or to let another day of this precious life we have, slide away. I choose to not listen to the negativity, even in my own head. I'm going to be disciplined and purposeful with my time. To listen to my body when it needs rest, fuel, fun and to dig deep and do the hard stuff to get ahead and get my hands in all the cookie jars like I want. Fuck a lane. I'm going to go in every one and be as creative as I can be and bring the world some amazing things. Go make yourself a cup of cocoa, stare into the falling snow for 5mins and decide what you're creating tonight and then GO DO IT!
#corporatewitch #cupofcocoa #ghirardellicocoapowder #manifestthatshit #manifestit #dothework #creativeliving #creativemuse #skelmediumdesigns