Practicing my witchcraft means I don't need anything fancy to make my magic work for me. I need to set intentions, be mindful of my energies and redirect them to things that are good for me. Restocking my fridge is just that. I'm bringing in the proper fuels for my body, and allowing my brain to calm down and that's abundant AF. The machine I live in, my body, needs proper fuel for my hands to work, for my eyes to focus, for my brains amygdala and hippocampus to fire on ALL cylinders to retrieve my memories and process my emotions to allow me to have new creative thoughts. So I take this time, doing a mundane task, to reset my brain after a long work day and prepare myself for my 30mins of creativity tonight. Feel free to take this and see if it works for you. Feel free to modify it so it sounds like YOU in your head. Let me know if you had an easier time getting into your creative mode after putting away your groceries and doing this little "mind game" with the days stressors.
#creativeaffirmations #destressing #creativeintentions #directyourenergy #mundanetasks #groceryrestock #mindgame #abundantAF #witchywork #corporatewitch #creativeliving #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse