
creativemuse hashtag performance

#creativemuse inspires artists by showcasing innovative ideas, unique talents, expressive art, and imaginative projects. This vibrant community encourages collaboration, creativity, exploration, and sharing of transformative stories through engaging visual content.
Give yourself the permission to "give it a shot" and do something new or different. It helps you gather experiences that your brain then references when you create new ideas.  Never know what you might come up with, so swing for the fences! The perfect moment is NOW! #topgolf #takechances #dosomethingnew  #theperfectmoment #nationalharbor #corporatewitch #creative #creativeliving #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
You know, I'm just really thankful that he's still here with us to do some chores ... and with all the replaced parts in his neck and reconstructed shoulder, I'm super shocked he could move a 50lb bag. So I like to think about THAT.  But I'll be damned if I'm not amused at the fact he didn't check the bottom of the bin before he poured the bag. 🤣🤣🤣  Another creative solution CREATED! Huzzah.  #TypicalThursday  Dog food puzzle brought to you by #VictorPerformanceDogFood How are you getting creative tonight? lolz 😂  #creativesolutions #dogfood #howmanylicksdoesittake #one #two #three #corporatewitch #theworkdmayneverknow #creative #creativeliving #creativeentrepreneurs #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
Practicing my witchcraft means I don't need anything fancy to make my magic work for me. I need to set intentions, be mindful of my energies and redirect them to things that are good for me.  Restocking my fridge is just that. I'm bringing in the proper fuels for my body, and allowing my brain to calm down and that's abundant AF. The machine I live in, my body, needs proper fuel for my hands to work, for my eyes to focus, for my brains amygdala and hippocampus to fire on ALL cylinders to retrieve my memories and process my emotions to allow me to have new creative thoughts.  So I take this time, doing a mundane task, to reset my brain after a long work day and prepare myself for my 30mins of creativity tonight.  Feel free to take this and see if it works for you. Feel free to modify it so it sounds like YOU in your head. Let me know if you had an easier time getting into your creative mode after putting away your groceries and doing this little "mind game" with the days stressors.  #creativeaffirmations #destressing #creativeintentions #directyourenergy #mundanetasks #groceryrestock #mindgame  #abundantAF #witchywork #corporatewitch #creativeliving  #creativemindset  #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
As I embrace the still ess of the season, I wanted to write to you this Solstice Blessing. A reminder of what you can accomplish and the strength you have within. 🖤 Blessed Yule to you all.  #blessedyule #wintersolstice #wintersolsticeblessing #pouringconcrete #corporatewitch #creative #creativeliving #creativeentrepreneurs #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
Idk why this happened. Idk how I survived this.... this torture. What's worse is when they closed it up, they had to use EXTRA glue to stick the already adhesive TPO to the 150+ year old bricks for a perfect seal. And you couldn't escape the smell. Have you ever tasted adhesive that you smelled? THIS IS THAT.  I have never been so tortured at work. Between this and the sawzall on the ducts ... I dunno if I want to go back on Thursday for round 2. 🙃 My brain is much. Be good to yourselves.... when you spend 10 hours trying to work through this... just go to bed.  THE END.  #constructionatwork #notoilet #noroof #nowarning #icanteven #brainmush #corporatewitch #creativemuse #skelmediumdesigns  #NOPE #optout
The time is now to set yourself up for the very best possible outcome in 2025.  You started off 2024 with the very best of intentions and when you look back at your wishes, wants and desires from the universe... the boxes aren't all checked and we have 11, that's right, ELEVEN days left of this year.  What I don't want for you, is to see you struggle again next year. I don't want you doing the same thing over and over and over and this time next year, feeling the "what ifs" and regrets. Try a different approach, because we know for CERTAIN what you've done this year ain't cutting it.  I'm partnering with Stephanie, the delightful witchy owner of @Hexes&Healing to bring YOU an amazing treat to get you started on the best path possible in 2025 for your creative journey.  I invite you to come with me and set your future-self up for the creative venture of 2025, only if this resonates with you. Why? Because I know you will love it. Get hype with us and count down the final days until the New Year!  #BlessedYule #WinterSolstice #NewYears #2025 #yourinvite #creativemanifesting  #WinterSolsticeSurprise  #hexesandhealing #creativemuse #WitchyCollaboration #futureself #creativeliving #SkelMediumDesigns
We have one opportunity, every single day, to put ourselves first or to let another day of this precious life we have, slide away.  I choose to not listen to the negativity, even in my own head. I'm going to be disciplined and purposeful with my time. To listen to my body when it needs rest, fuel, fun and to dig deep and do the hard stuff to get ahead and get my hands in all the cookie jars like I want. Fuck a lane. I'm going to go in every one and be as creative as I can be and bring the world some amazing things.  Go make yourself a cup of cocoa, stare into the falling snow for 5mins and decide what you're creating tonight and then GO DO IT!  #corporatewitch #cupofcocoa #ghirardellicocoapowder #manifestthatshit #manifestit #dothework #creativeliving #creativemuse #skelmediumdesigns
As we near the end of the year, I want to remind myself why I'm here. YOU.  I continue to create and design for YOU. To bring a splash of dopamine to your day. To help you curate your space to where you can destress after a long day at work. To go out into the world and proudly display the best parts of your personality and style.  While I won't post every single one on my feed, you'll be able to catch them in my stories. I'll highlight them all so I remember every day why I step up and move forward.  Thank you for being a part of my journey. Thank you for allowing me to bring my art into your world.  If you've ever wanted a specific design or color or product or an old item brought back, please feel free to REACH OUT to my DMs and let me know. I look forward to 2025!  #etsyreview #review #suchablessing #2024highlights #thankyou  #corporatewitch #creative #creativeliving #creativeentrepreneurs #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
As you step into this new year, envision a world where every woman shines brightly, each one a star in her own right, illuminating the way for others. Together, let us weave a tapestry of inspiration, support, and unyielding strength. May you guide those around you to embrace their own unique gifts, fostering a community where creativity flows freely and dreams take flight. May the spirits of creativity and ambition be by your side, always. A year filled with enchantment, growth, and the unwavering light of your own brilliance. Happy New Year, and may your journey be filled with magic! 🔮 #nye #newyears2025 #blessing #newyearsblessing #creativeliving #creativemuse #morningstar
With 15 days left til the end of the year, if you're starting your holiday gift making NOW you may end up with burnout later.  🦇 You dread pulling out supplies.  🦇 Your supplies stare at you from a table with half made gifts. 🦇 You feel guilty for giving up after starting a few knowing you're not going to make the deadline you set for yourself.  🦇 You procrastinate to give yourself a "valid reason" why you can't make all the things.  And the list goes on. So stop making these impossible deadlines. Start using your noodle to find some books for your friends to help them be creative too!  Cookbooks. Gardening Books.  How-to Guides.  There are a million ways to smile but a million more ways to get someone else inspired. So grab a new or used book from your local shops and spread some creativity, knowing you were creative as well!  #buyusedbooks #givebooks #giftbooks #saynotoburnout #preventburnout #holidaygiftmaking #corporatewitch #creative #creativeliving  #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
Remember, through the changes in technology, the rise of AI and the outsourcing to folks who can utilize it to its fullest potential... we, as creatives, will always hold and showcase the best abilities of human intelligence, human creativity. Rest assured, that if you keep that creative muscle moving, engaged and active then you'll have no problems staying on top of the technology curve! Keep up the great work.  #aivshumancreativity #humaninteligence #corporatewitch #creative #creativeliving #creativeentrepreneurs #creativemindset #skelmediumdesigns #creativemuse
I've started listening to Brenda Johnston and her podcast the limitless life and these types don't usually do it for me. I don't normally have any issues saying these things... but the way she phrased a few of these gave me pause that like, yeah, fuck right I do.  I found myself saying these on the way home. With my lung issues, I don't typically breathe out.... I let out a scream or gutteral noise... let the demons out of you will. makes my shoulders less heavy after a long day of work.  I changed right into comfy clothes be my house was 66°F and I was cold and then thought, DAMN, my creative friends need to hear this and give themselves a little pep talk tonight before they create. And that scream you exhale is really gonna destress you so you can create tonight! 🖤 So thank you Brenda for this wonderful positivity on my first day of the jobby job in 2025. I feel more aligned.  #brendajohnston #thelimitlesslifepodcast #positiveaffirmations #januaryaffirmations #jobbyjob #2025future #gutteralnoise #sharingthelove #creativemuse #creativeliving
6 Days til New Year's!  I don't need to tell you that creative energy in your every day life is of the utmost importance to living a better life ... that's why you're HERE.  Today I spent some hard earned time playing mini golf with the hubs and bonus sister. It was fun, relaxing and honestly kinda inspiring to have a place this cool so close to home.  #Getcreative #monsterminigolf #minigolf #skelmediumdesigns #6days #nye2025 #creativeliving #creativemuse #zombiebear
9 Days til 2025! This year, I made a decision to stop doing things the hard way. To stop looking for a fight at every turn. To do my research and look into finding someone to learn from, someone who has taken the path to where I want to be. I did, and here's how I've grown:  🦇I've gotten better at not beating myself down for having a long day with nothing creative to give.  🦇I don't get mad at my body for being sick and needing rest and not putting in my 30mins of creativity a day.  🦇 I have found more value in being consistent with my art, managing stress levels and finding joy in inspiring others to create.  It's my turn to give to you. To share with you the most fundamental reasons why you should put yourself and your creative journey and endeavors at the forefront of completed daily accomplishments.  If you've been curious about setting yourself up for creative consistency, I invite you to come with me to @Hexes&Healing to snag your pre-order of the creativity altar kit. Why? Because I know you will love it and I truly can't wait to help you start the path to your best creative days. Get hype with us and count down the final days until the New Year!   #creativityaltar #creativeliving #NewYearsCountdown #2025 #creativemanifesting #futuresuccess #hexesandhealing #creativemuse #starterkit #WitchyCollaboration #futureself  #SkelMediumDesigns
8 Days til New Year's! I love it when I'm surrounded by friends and family and they understand my wants and desires to keep creativity, art and design in the forefront of every day life. It doesn't have to be hard. It's a choice to dedicate time to yourself to level up yourself. Life is a game, after all!  When you think about it, 30 mins a day for 100 days is 3,000. 3,000 minutes /60 is 50 hours. If you can dedicate 50hours in 100 days of the New Year, think about the amazing things you'll have to share with the world!  Let @Hexes&Healing and I get you started on a spiritual path to help ground you in the reality of getting ISH done! I want to see your finished products 100 days into the New Year. I wanna see how much better you feel, how much stress you leave at the door step, and how many more ideas flow to you!  Stop by Hexes at any time and sign up for that pre-order. I'm NOT kidding, first 10 pre-orders get a FREE Dark Academia tote bag. That's not a ton, so do it asap. Don't worry, our online preorders count too! we will have a link for you just after the traditional holiday season.    2025 is the year you do things differently and SUCCEED!  #creativityaltar #creativeconversations  #NewYearsCountdown #2025 #creativemanifesting #creativeliving #futuresuccess #hexesandhealing #creativemuse #starterkit #WitchyCollaboration   #SkelMediumDesigns
10 Days til 2025! You just spent an entire year trying to beat yourself up to do something for you, and yet another year has slipped by. You didn't pick up that paint brush, you didn't take that art class, you didn't finish that quilt. You found every reason in the world to put yourself on the back burner and now looking back, it hurts. I know that feeling of disappointment in yourself.  Do you want to repeat that again next year and wind up with regret or are you ready to stop messing around and try a different approach, because we know for CERTAIN what you've done this year ain't cutting it? Then allow Stephanie and I get you started on the best path possible in 2025 for your creative journey. @Hexes&Healing will have available for preorder your very FIRST creativity altar. I invite you to come with me and set your future-self up for the best possible creative venture of 2025, only if this resonates with you. Why? Because I know you will love it. Get hype with us and count down the final days until the New Year!  #creativityaltar #creativeliving #NewYearsCountdown #2025 #creativemanifesting #futuresuccess #yourinvite  #hexesandhealing #creativemuse #WitchyCollaboration #futureself  #SkelMediumDesigns
5 Days til New Year's! 🥳 As your muse, I've about had my share of listening to excuse after excuse as to why you "can't" or that it's "not the right time" or that "you don't have it in you" and honestly every other lie you've told yourself.  You talk a big game and have big goals and dreams but you don't take a step forward to achieve them. That's wack. End of Sentence.  So explain to me what the heck makes you think 2025 will turn out any differently without changing up SOMETHING? When are you gonna put your creative endeavors on the front burner and stop playing second fiddle to everyone else?  If you need me, DM me. Because I cannot watch another train wreck of someone I care about in 2025. I just won't. Do something different. ✌🏻 #toughlove #5daysleft #nye #newyears2025 #creativeliving #creativemuse #skelmediumdesigns  #nyecountdown

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