officially been alone in boston for 2 years 💌🥹 2 years ago me and my parents filled a rented minivan to the brim and left dallas. we drove to boston and I had NO clue what was waiting for me. with no job, no friends, and knowing not one person in all of new england, I jumped head first. I had my teeny tiny studio apartment and hope for the future. it has easily been (and still is) the most difficult thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. I’m still figuring out how to make friends, how to take the commuter rail, how to perfect my dunkin order, how to convince my landlord to lower rent, and how to live a life alone but damn i’m so happy here. I graduated college, got a puppy, filled my little brownstone with books & love, and have grown SO comfortable with myself. I LOVE YOU BOSTON! please don’t ever make me leave ❤️❤️
#boston #massachusetts #bostonma #moving #sololiving #crosscountrymove #movingaway #moving #livingalone #newcity #fyp