Exactly one year ago, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as a result of insulin-resistant PCOS. It was a moment that changed my life and forced me to take a hard look at how I approached my health. At the start of this year, I made the decision to prioritize movement and fitness, but every attempt to work out seemed to trigger my POTS or CVS. It felt like I was stuck in an endless cycle of frustration and setbacks. In October, I started walk-jogging. It wasn’t easy, but I kept showing up. By November, those walk-jogs became more jogs than walks. And today, I’m beyond proud to share that I ran and completed my first 5K in 40:03 and am Diabetes free!🏅 This medal means more to me than just finishing a race—it’s a symbol of resilience, growth, and learning to celebrate the small steps that lead to big victories. It’s a reminder that progress isn’t always linear and that healing is possible, even when it feels out of reach. To anyone struggling, whether it’s with your health, fitness, or just life in general: keep going. Progress might be slow, but every step forward is worth celebrating. Here’s to continuing the journey, one step, one mile, and one victory at a time.
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