PUDDLE JUMPER IN BABY POOL IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Baby Pools! What a perfect name! Babies can go in them, 100% supervision, and explore how their bodies feel, and splash and get face wet!!! Crawl, and walk and run and fall and laugh! And games and throwing balls. All the stuff.. Putting a puddle jumper on your kid makes all this stuff so unnatural to real life! even in the 8 inches of water!! DO NOT PUT A PUDDLE JUMPER ON here, or any where else in the world. Education is the key to a successful swim journey! Start by preparing your babe to swim in the bathtub and then head to the pool for survival swimming! ✅Our Course Link in Bio- It will guide you!! @teachyourchildtoswim Comment Prepare2Swim for more information!
#survivalswimlessons #prepare2swim #swimminglessons #onlinecourse #bathtime #babyswimlessons #8monthsold #waterbaby #underwater #babyswimming #survivalswimming #swimminglesson #infantswimlesson #exposure #learntoswim #parents #watersafety #puddlejumper #danger TEACH YOUR CHILD TO SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK Disclaimer: The instructions, advice, and or opinions depicted in this context may be dependent on, and should be considered in conjunction with specific limitations, qualifications or exclusions, which are set out in full teach your child to swim and course offered by us. It is also general in nature, and does not consider any of you, or your child’s specific medical or psychological circumstances. You should ensure that you always follow, applicable safety information and apply reasonable judgment when preparing/teaching your child to swim.