Always turned my nose up to reality TV because of my ~super serious modeling and acting career~ (and agents telling me it would be career suicide, but look at those bravolebrities laughing their way to the bank) but times have changed!
#sonicjourneytvshow came my way and is a documentary reality show not drama focused, we’re headed to festivals we’ve never been to to capture the wonder and magic of entering those worlds for the first time. First stop was
#tulum #dayzerofestival next stop in Feb heheheh but I remember all the ads for the E! Kardashians final season (our crew has some of that crew 💪🏼💁🏻♀️) and Kim bawlin, saying the crew is family etc etc and we’re one episode of filming in and I already feel like that towards everyone, this is gonna be a fun journey…oh, a SONIC JOURNEY lolol @sonicjourneytv 🌴 🌊 ✨
#junglerave #zamnatulum #zamnafestival #realitytv #dayzero #doraresort #festivalfits #realityshowbts