How I do my dogs nails who HATES nail trims… Some tips I went over in the video: -Exercise before to get the wiggles out -Meds if needed (Aspen takes meds River does not) -Sling, ours is from @The Doggie Lift and I’ve had it for years -Muzzle train with whatever muzzle you do use. I prefer one that the dog can take treats from and pant, but for more severe bite cases it may be safer to use a grooming muzzle which keeps the dogs mouth closed. -Lots of treats/praise and patience -Reward after three are done with a high value chew -Give some space and time after it all over! Thanks for watching I hope this helps! And again this is just what works for us, every dog is different so what works for us may not work for you, and that’s okay :) -
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