As we welcome 2025, we’ve witnessed a powerful, yet heartbreaking miracle. In Homestead, Florida, a mother dog named Princess and her 11 puppies were found in unimaginable conditions—living under a house, surrounded by dirt, debris, and filth. They were starving and fighting to survive. When they arrived at Big Dog Ranch Rescue, they were bathed, their tiny bodies cleansed of fleas and dirt, and for the first time, they were given a meal that filled their empty bellies. This New Year, Princess and her pups were given the gift of hope, love, and a chance to live. But too many animals are still waiting for their miracle. 💖 Your donation to our Miracle Fund can help make more miracles like this possible—not just for Princess, but for the countless animals still in need of rescue. 💙Donate: 🐶Lifesaving Member: 🐾 Adopt: 💲Venmo: @bigdogranchrescue 💰CashApp: @bigdogranchrescue 💵Zelle:
[email protected] #bdrr #bigdogranchrescue #dogrescue #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #adoptadog #foreverhome #save10k #save10kdogs #MiracleForPrincess #SecondChances #NewYearsMiracle #RescueMatters #DonateToSaveLives #HopeFor2024