Celebrate Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake this Saturday in Downtown Brooklyn! 🐍 Head to @CityPointBKLYN on February 1st for a day full of free activities in @downtownbrooklyn. Kids will enjoy free crafts, a balloon hut, coloring pages, temporary tattoos and more (12-2pm). There will be traditional Lunar New Year lion dances with Chow Lay Fut throughout the area from 1 – 4:30pm: o City Point: 1 pm / 1:30 pm o Albee Square: 2:10 pm / 2:40 pm / 3:20 pm o DeKalb Market Hall: 3:40 pm / 4:10 pm + head downstairs to @dekalbmarkethallofficial for $1 dumplings from 3-6pm at Hana Noodle, 100% Mr. Lin, Thank You Come Again, Teppan Territory, Harlem Seafood Soul. and if you sign up for GoLocker’s app and system, look inside after you activate a locker to win a surprise gift from local Brooklyn businesses! Year of the Snake designs will wrap its lockers for the month of February. Don’t miss this Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday!
#nycforfree #nyc #brooklyn #citypoint #downtownbrooklyn #lunarnewyear #lunarnewyear2025 #yearofthesnake