Nerve Sparing surgery is a treatment for deep endometriosis that draws on the neuroanatomy of the deep pelvic and abdominal layers. While the name sound like, just avoid the nerve, it is a much more complex and difficult set of techniques. Surgeons must identify and preserve the autonomic nerve fibers, reduce nerve injury, and minimize any visceral dysfunction (like not being able to urinate after surgery) all without compromising the therapeutic effectiveness of endometriosis surgery. It is precise and careful surgery designed to change the lives of the people with the disease. This is not Neuropelveology, which is a different field of study---both viable and useful when necessary. Ongoing bladder issues, bowel issues, painful intimate time, and bloating all can be tied to the deeper layers of the pelvic nerves. And fyi, mistakes during surgery on these nerves or in these areas can be tied to permanent levels of dysfunction. Playing around with the hypogastric plexus is not for the untrained surgeon. We are pleased to welcome to the United States, famed Nerve Sparing Pioneer Marcello Ceccaroni. An amazing instructor and supporter of people with endometriosis, Dr Ceccaroni joins Dr Andrea Vidali for a four hour, Robotics lab on Deep Space and Nerve Sparing Techniques. Using these techniques can advance the lives of those with endometriosis. It is not just about excising every ounce of disease but about the skill and the quality of the excision on the surrounding areas. Dr Ceccaroni will Keynote our main program, open to all including patients, caregivers, physical therapists, practitioners, and surgeons. The 4 hour lab will then be open to licensed physicians. What questions do you have about Nerve Sparing Surgery, let us know below. Better yet, who are you sharing this post with to invite them to learn more at The Endometriosis Summit March 28-30, 2025, in Orlando, Florida and Virtually Worldwide. **rates for Interns and Fellows Inquire directly to The Endometriosis Summit. FAMILY rates available as well for all participants.
#endometriosis #surgeon #endowarrior #endosummit @Andrea Vidali Md