🍼Hospital grade can be a marketing scheme. A pump the size of my hand can slap that label on themselves. It is not a regulated term. A TRUE hospital grade pump is usually one that well, you find at the hospital and are usually BIG and THOUSANDS of dollars. Look at my reviews under ⭐️
#1 pump review highlight ⭐️
#2 pump review highlight ⭐️
#3 pump review highlight ⭐️
#4 pump review highlight On IG: themilknest Looking to find which is best for YOU? 📱Let’s talk in a 1:1 consult in link in bio or themilknest.com/services Even AMAZING for those who are pregnant and looking at so many options. Also note, if in the US, your insurance should cover you for a FREE pump! 🥛Did you know the pump you pick could affect supply? 👀 Yup. Many only use a wearable without knowing it has negatively affected them. (Some not all) ✨Look at my •Pumping• and •Supply• highlight to learn more! Which do you have and do you like it? . . . . .
#pumping #exclusivelypumping #epingmama