Our job as fly anglers is to figure out what fish are eating, and then choose a fly out of our box to match. But here’s the problem… There are like 480,000 different fly patterns, and that might be an underestimate!🤪 So to simplify things, let’s walk through the 4 major bug types that trout eat, and some good flies to match them. First, we’ve got mayflies. Adults have tall upright wings, long slender bodies, and 2 or more tails. Nymphs (or baby mayflies) have 6 legs, segmented bodies, and 2 or more tails. Some of my favorite dry flies to imitate adults include parachute adams, last chance cripples, and sparkle duns. My favorite nymphs are frenchies, hare’s ears, and barr’s emergers. Second, we’ve got caddis. Adults have tent-like wings, long antennae, and no tails. Larva (or baby caddis) are worm shaped, segmented, and can be cased or free living. Some of my favorite dry flies to imitate adults include elk hair caddis, foam caddis, and CDC caddis. My favorite nymphs are hare’s ears, walt’s worms, and peeping caddis. Third, we’ve got stoneflies. Adults have flat wings that lay on top and are big in size. Nymphs (or baby stoneflies) have 6 legs, segmented bodies, and 2 forked tails. My favorite dry fly to imitate adults is the Chubby Chernobyl in a variety of sizes and colors. My favorite nymphs are pat’s rubber legs, golden stones, and prince nymphs. Next, we’ve got midges. Adults have slim side-by-side wings, a long skinny body and legs, and fuzzy antennae. Larvae & Pupa (or baby midges) are worm shaped, segmented, and are very small. Some of my favorite dry flies to imitate adults include the Griffith’s Gnat, Matt’s Midge, and No-see-um. My favorite nymphs are the classic zebra midge, demon midge, and WD40. PS - If you'd like to learn how to choose the right fly out of your box, check out the "FREE Year-round Hatch Chart" link in our bio!
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