Is there a fly that will work 100% of the time, no matter where or when you're fishing? Magic flies like that don't exist, BUT we do have some flies that we carry with us no matter what. Parachute Adams—a do-it-all fly that can imitate a wide variety of adult bugs, especially mayflies. I like these in a size 12, all the way to 20 Zebra Midge—midges are one of the most abundant food sources in any river, and fish love ‘em! Zebra midges imitate the nymph form of these bugs, and I like them in all colors from size 14-20. Elk Hair Caddis—caddis are another insect that are found in almost every trout stream. Fish LOVE to eat caddis, and I like these in brown and gray in sizes 14-18. Frenchie—almost 80% of a fish’s diet is nymphs, and the Frenchie is one of the best! It can imitate caddis or mayfly nymphs, which are present in almost every river. I like these in a size 14-18. Pat’s Rubberlegs—this is the best stonefly nymph out there! Stoneflies aren’t as common as other insects, but they’re a big ticket meal item, so fish will move to eat them. I have these in sizes 8-12. Chubby chernobyl—this fly can pass as a hopper or an adult stonefly, and floats forever! It’s great to use as the top fly in a dry-dropper rig, too. I like these in tan, yellow, and gray in sizes 8-12. Woolly Bugger—one of the best flies out there! This thing just flat-out catches fish. It can imitate all sorts of other fish, leeches, or even crawdads. I like these in sizes 4-8. Go to the link in our bio for a FREE Year-Round Hatch Chart!
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