Polygraph test in Los Angeles under $150: here is the
#1 secret that many polygraph examiners DON'T want clients to know! If you are the paying CLIENT having a person tested, then NEVER agree to a test unless you are allowed to quietly monitor the procedure from start to finish. It can even be in a remote room, or by baby monitor. It PREVENTS BRIBES and it increases confidence in the results, so why not?! Any full-time polygraph examiner can --and should-- provide this integrity-insuring step if they want to, but some will make excuses why they won't (then you should go elsewhere). Choose an honest Los Angeles polygraph examiner who will let you quietly monitor without you interfering in any way, who will let you write your own questions for testing, who won't gouge you by charging over two hundred dollars, and who will remind you to make sure that your test-taker is well-hydrated. An examiner can use a privacy screen or a baby monitor if they don't have their own office for a mirrored version of their polygraph screen. Don't accept a worthless 'You can watch a video of the test later'; bribes and more are known to happen when the recorder is off. Shared by John, TV's 'Lie Detector Guy' at CertifiedPolygraph.com in Los Angeles, 818 883-6969 Since 1988.
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