So why is it so dangerous for dogs (some more than others) to exercise too soon before and after eating? Well there’s a couple reasons; 1. GDV (Gastric Dialation and Volvulus) also known as Twist- is a condition in which the stomach becomes overstretched and/or twisted by excessive gas content, exercise and more. The exact causes of the condition are still unknown and primarily impacts large and/or deep chested dog breeds. Even with treatment, the mortality rate is 20-45%. GDV can also cause bloat. 2. Bloat in dogs is a condition similar to GDV but is mainly excessive stretching from food or gas. Causes of bloat are; - eating quickly or overeating - eating from raised food bowls causing too much air to be swallowed - drinking too quickly - exercise too soon after or before eating (panting from exercise can cause the dog to swallow more air while eating or drinking, and why most trainers will tell you to not give your dog water until their heavy panting dissipates.) - genetic predisposition or family history - being over or underweight - Dry foods with fatty oils as the first ingredients - advanced age. This is why it’s so important to wait at LEAST 30-60 minutes before and after exercise to feed your dog. Always monitor how fast they are eating and drinking so you can adjust accordingly! You can also break up your dogs daily food intake into smaller meals throughout the day so they can’t over eat. There are so many ways to prevent GDV and Bloat, but we can only do things if we know about them! So now that we know better, we do better!
#gastricdilatationvolvulus #bloatindogs #DogTraining #dogtrainer #dogs #GDV