It’s safe to say that 2024 has been painful and crippling for me. Losing my mom, my only parent, to a degenerative disease has turned my world upside down. I’ve dealt with feelings I’ve never experienced before, actively fighting severe depression, anxiety, and grief. Reflecting on this year is extremely difficult for me…because I’ve failed in so many aspects of my life thag I typically excel in. But oddly I’ve accomplished things that I used to be horrible at…I’ve opened up to my loved ones about my mental health, I became vulnerable and let the people who love me see the genuine me.🧠 😆 In order to seek and escape I read more books this year than I have in the last 10 years📚 AND each morning, no matter a good or bad day…I still woke up. I’m still here, and that is a bigger accomplishment than I ever imagined it would be☀️ Check in on your friends and family. Open up to your friends and family. Open the conversation. Talk to each other. Listen to each other. Be there for one another. Be there for yourself🤍
#griefjourney #griefandloss #depression #anxiety #emotions #insideout #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #selflove #SelfCare #coping #Love #lovedones #ftd #ftdawareness #frontaltemporaldementia #dementia #greatestthingwelost #idaho #boise