We met dancing in Bali in 2019. I was working at a marine conservation organization and Elijah was teaching at a coding bootcamp. At the time, I believed my heart could only belong to a woman. But something about Elijah drew me in. He moved through life with intention, offering care without demand, presence without control. He made me feel safe and seen. And so, we began to orbit each other. Surfing, eating, dancing. We even started hosting our own sunset silent discos on the beach. Slowly, the wounds I carried with the masculine began to heal and my heart opened in ways I never imagined. Six years later, we are married, living our dream life, and preparing to welcome our first child into the world. Elijah is my anchor, my healing, my home. This is a reminder that the heart has its own way of knowing. When you find your person, all the old stories fade away, making space for something far greater.
#lovestory #soulmates #HealingJourney #twinflames #groovewithgaia