It truly makes me sad they think the purpose of my account is "dedicated to complaining about my acne" when my message has been clear: Acne positivity, "own it before it owns you", empowering others get to know their bodies better, advocate for themselves and search for the root of their acne skin symptoms. This is a space where I share my entire journey raw & authentically - which means sharing the good, bad, beautiful and ugly of it all. I've been on all the dermatologist recommended Rx and it's always come back (or given me worse side effects than the acne itself) — which is where my "get to the root" journey began 3 years ago. Healing isn't linear and we've got to step out of this instant gratification culture, especially with things like acne and making sustainable changes in our body and lifestyle. There are many ppl who have a similar story to me and they appreciate and feel safe in this space, knowing they aren't alone or "crazy" for wanting to skip the script. I know it's not for everyone, so l encourage you to find creators who better align with your view of how acne 'should' be handled. But it ain't me, girlfriend.
#acneskin #acnepositivity #acnejourney #holistichealing #guthealth #gutdysbiosis #cysticacne #acnefighter