This wasn’t the plan. This wasn’t how my breastfeeding journey was supposed to go. I never planned on exclusively pumping for all three of my children. But after my first was born, 6 weeks unpaid maternity leave and undiagnosed PPA made it necessary. I exclusively pumped and supplemented with formula for six months. Then, our second was medically complex and couldn’t take anything by mouth her entire life. Despite numerous hospital stays and to the shock of our healthcare providers, I exclusively pumped and provided all of her nutrition for nine months. When our third came along, I thought “this is it. I can do this now.” And I’m sure I could have, but I quickly realized that in the chaos of grief and navigating so much “new” again with a newborn, I needed some familiarity. So here we are. Exclusively pumping for a third time. And I’m proud. You should be, too. No matter what your breastfeeding journey looks like - whether you chose to pump, combo, direct nurse, or formula feed - you are an amazing mother. Be proud of the miracles you do every day, mama. You deserve to be celebrated.
#breastfeeding #exclusivelypumping #postpartum #handsfreebreastpump #momcozy #breastfeedingjourney #rainbowbaby #bereavedparents.