Marta, mom of twin girls used to fear her girls were going to not like each other in the future because of the constant sibling conflict. She used to blame herself thinking she must had done something to cause it. This gave her a lot of anxiety, and ended up yelling at her girls after trying to be calm. In coaching with me (HIC Parenting), she learned to parent her girls from the understanding of their needs. With the new found awareness, Marta stopped yelling, and started teaching her girls coping skills and team work skills, and her girls started communicating more and fighting less. I want to make to use the personalized guidance you need to feel at peace in your parenting next week 🤩🤩 For details on how to access my free coaching session on Feb 4th go to my page 🔗 9 am pst / 10 am mst / 11 am cst / 12 pm est It’s not a class with general info, it’s a Zoom session in Zoom where you can ask me about your specific parenting dynamic 💛💛
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