How I’m hitting 150g protein post op knee surgery! My meals vary day to day, but my habits don’t⬇️ 👉🏼Habit 1: collagen Protein coffee in the morning. Always! Easy 32g protein. Message me PROTEIN COFFEE on IG for the recipe! 👉🏼Habit 2: high protein + high fiber breakfast. 2 eggs is not enough protein. Here I also have 2 protein packed waffles. Sometimes I’ll add protein bagels, sausage or egg whites for more protein. 👉🏼Habit 3: high protein lunch with veggies. The food varies but the habit doesn’t. 👉🏼Habit 4: high protein snack attack! This helps to keep me from being ravenous when dinner comes along, and when I don’t have my snack, I fall short on my protein goal + I’m way more snacky. 👉🏼Habit 5: high protein dinner + veggies. Using Banza pasta is such an easy HACK for boosting protein with your meals. 👉🏼Habit 6: gut health + magnesium + vitamin d every evening! This helps improve digestion, reduce bloat, strengthen immune system, and the magnesium promotes recovery, reduced anxiety, & DEEP and restful sleep! Game changer if you struggle with sleep. You can find it on my website.❤️🩹 PSA: You are a reflection of your habits. Want to see better fat loss results? Develop better habits. What to feel better? Develop better habits. If you need help, join BaileyBFitness! ♥️
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