Natural Remedies for Flu 🥳Oscillococcinum Studies have shown that taking Oscillococcinum at the onset of flu significantly reduces symptoms and shortens the duration of illness, with minimal to no side effects. 🤗Elderberry A paper published in the Journal of Phytochemistry showed that in a test tube, elderberry flavonoids inhibited H1N1 influenza infection similar to Tamiflu In a study involving 60 patients, symptoms of influenza were relieved on average 4 days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo. 😵BEWARE of NSAIDS Literature out of Japan shows the harmful effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac and mefenamic acid in people with influenza 😩BEWARE of TAMIFLU 😤The CDC The CDC describes Tamiflu as a drug that may “reduce the risk of complications such as ear infections in children, and pneumonia and hospitalizations in adults.” 😢The FDA The FDA’s drug label for Tamiflu, says the remedy “has not been shown to prevent such complications.” 😳The WHO Tamiflu was originally added to the WHO’s list of essential medicines in 2009 but new evidence has since “reduced the previously estimated magnitude of effect of oseltamivir on relevant clinical outcomes,” as of 2017 😱The BMJ Doshi’s team concluded in a 2014 Cochrane review article that the clinical trial data did not support the broader claims made about Tamiflu. The team looked at clinical study reports for 83 trials and found no improvement for admission-to-hospital rates, pneumonia or bronchitis. In treatment studies it also modestly reduces the time to first alleviation of symptoms 8-47hrs, but it causes nausea and vomiting and increases the risk of headaches and psychiatric syndromes.
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