🎄✨ Luke Chapter 24 – He Is Risen! Live in Victory ✨🎄 We’ve made it! This is the final chapter of the Luke Christmas Challenge—24 chapters in 24 days—and what a powerful way to finish. In Luke 24, we celebrate the greatest news in history: Jesus Christ is risen! The women arrive at the tomb expecting death, but instead, they find life. The angel proclaims: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but He has been raised” (Luke 24:5-6, NAB). Later, Jesus walks with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. At first, they don’t recognize Him, but their eyes are opened when He breaks bread with them. This chapter reminds us that Jesus is always with us, even in the moments we fail to see Him. The resurrection is the foundation of our faith and the promise of hope for every one of us. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow with courage and joy. Reflect: How has this journey through Luke transformed the way you see Jesus? How will His resurrection impact the way you celebrate Christmas this year? To all my followers: Merry Christmas! Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey of the Luke Christmas Challenge—24 chapters in 24 days. I pray this has brought you closer to Jesus and filled your heart with His peace and love. God bless you and your family this Christmas season and always!
#LukeChristmasChallenge #FaithWorksToday #HeIsRisen #merrychristmas #HopeIsAlive #VictoryInJesus #CatholicFaith #AdventJourney