⬇️90% of hiring managers are NEVER trained to interview.
🤝In America the majority of corporate job interviews conducted are social interviews. Which means they are basing their decisions on whether or not they like you and if you will be a good “culture fit”. Which is just code for “we don’t hire people who don’t fit in”
❌Hiring is not standardized, what works for one company doesn’t work at another.
❌Hiring is subjective, what one hiring managers likes, another doesn’t.
🎯The most important business decisions are made in job interviews, yet we don’t give hiring managers tools on how to understand their biases to therefore make better hiring decisions.
🫣When humans make selections, we rely on short cuts and trite stereotypes.
📌I am on a mission to teach hiring managers how to interview better by understating their interview style. To discover your interview style, get an Interviewology Profile a 40-page workbook that details your presences, what you need to work on and inappropriate questions to avoid.
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