Before you Google big medical terms and freak yourself out and try these tips today! Need a few more ideas to help in this area? To encourage head turning: ⭐️Use eye-catching toys or toys that make fun sounds ⭐️Be open to adjusting their position during playtime even if it means challenging them to look the other way To guide reaching and lifting arms overhead: ⭐️Encourage reaching during playtime with a toy they love to motivate this action ⭐️Incorporate props in tummy time like a rolled up towel under their chest while keeping toys just above eye level ⭐️Sing while you’re stretching to keep it fun and engaging 20 mins a day is all it takes to stay consistent with purposeful play! ✅Save this reel to try these stretches at home with your LO. Also TAG ME in videos like this so I can help bring awareness to other mama questions about baby development, because you know I’d love to help and educate any chance I get💗 Great question @Cassie 👏🏼
#torticollis #hypertonia #pedspt #kinactivekids #parenthack